How to Avoid Hat Hair

Hats are always in style, but what's not in style is the flat, disheveled hair underneath. Referred to as “hat hair,” this look is the well-known downside of hats and can steer some away from wearing a hat during the day all together. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose between a hat and good-looking hair. You can rock both styles--yes, all in the same day. The secret is in hair care.
Here are some tips for avoiding the ever-dreaded hat hair and keeping your hair looking fresh outside of the cap.

Make sure your hair is completely dry before putting on your hat:
This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but when you’re in a hurry, it’s tempting to throw on a hat over your wet hair and hustle out the door. Wearing a hat over wet hair does much more damage to the hair’s appearance later. It molds the hair, making it flat and limp. Take the time to blow dry your hair before, so that when you take off your hat, your hair has some volume to it.
Take your hat off as soon as possible:
The longer a hat is on your head, the more time there is for it to flatten out your hair. Take off your hat when you get indoors so that your hair can breathe and settle into a look that is more natural and less… well, hat-like.
Condition your hair daily:
Conditioning your hair in the shower adds moisture and nutrients that will help you style your hair in the long-run.
Add the right products to your hair-care routine:
Add products to your hair to make it easier to style and more voluminous. Water soluble pastes are great for re-styling your hair after taking off your hat, as these formulas give the hair a nice and pliable texture. Avoid wax-based and high-shine products on hat days, as these products are difficult to rework once you take off your hat.
Switch your part:
If you have long hair, switching your part is perhaps the simplest and most effective way to prevent your hair from flattening out underneath your hat. Before you put your hat on, part your hair in the opposite direction. This way, you can part your hair correctly when you take your hat off and ensure your part has plenty of volume.