How to Wash a Baseball Hat

Do you have that one tried and true baseball cap? The one that endures the hottest days of summer, sweat sessions at the gym, and a day out working in the yard. That favorite hat has probably seen better days but you would never think about tossing it! And you shouldn’t, this post will walk you through five easy steps to turn that sweat-stained hat into a fresh hat that looks and smells brand new.
What you will need:
- Laundry detergent or dish soap
- A sink or large enough bucket to submerge your hat
- Stain remover
- A toothbrush or something with soft bristles for scrubbing
- Bath towel
- Drying rack
Step 1: Rinse it out
Just like you would with your hair before shampooing, you need to give your hat a good rinse before lathering it up with soap. Rinse your hat under cool running water until the water runs clear and you no longer see the dirt coming out.
Step 2: Submerge it
Fill up your sink or a large bucket with enough water to submerge your hat. Put a few drops of your favorite laundry detergent in the water and let your hat soak for five to ten minutes.
Step 3: Spot clean
Take the hat out of the water, rinse, and squeeze out the excess water (avoiding the brim). To get rid of any stains still left behind grab a stain remover and a toothbrush or something with soft bristles for scrubbing. Apply the stain remover directly to the hat and lightly scrub with the toothbrush to remove those leftover stains.
Step 4: Rinse again
Rinse thoroughly with cool water, making sure to get out all of the detergent and stain removers.
Step 5: Dry
Squeeze out any extra water, pat down the hat with a towel, and set the hat to dry on some sort of rack or area that will allow it to dry fully.
Once all these steps are finished, you should have a clean and stain-free baseball hat. To keep a hat clean, wash it at least one to two times every season.